How To Maintain A Good Sleeping Posture
While we often associate good posture with standing or sitting, our ligaments and muscle joints also take time to repair and relax while we sleep! So our sleep posture while we recharge is actually quite important, which is why you shouldn’t neglect your sleeping posture.
Looking after our backs is something most of us tend to forget about until we feel those nagging pains and aches, which often means it’s already too late. You could change that by making some adjustments to your sleeping habits to help you maintain good posture while you sleep and in turn decrease chances of unwanted discomfort.
How to Choose the Right Mattress?
A vital element to getting a good night's sleep and waking up refreshed, of course. revolves around your mattress. Linked to how the muscles relax while sleeping, our mattresses play a huge part in maintaining good sleeping posture. With such a wide variety of options available, it can be overwhelming knowing where to start, luckily our good friends over at The Mattress Guide have composed a helpful post to guide you on the best mattress for you depending on the way you sleep. Giving you all the know-how on what type of mattress is best for side, back and front sleepers.
Back Sleepers
There are a good variety of options for those of us that prefer to sleep on our backs, allowing a comfortable night's sleep. This comfortability makes keeping up a good posture while sleeping all that easier.
Side Sleepers
This sleeping position is the most popular in the UK. The side sleeper dominates the top-ranked sleeping positions. Unfortunately for those of you that choose to be a side sleeper, this has the most impact on our back and hips so sorting the right mattress for you is vital.
Front Sleepers
Around 7% of people in the UK chose the worst sleeping position for your neck and back. Yes, front sleepers or stomach sleepers, we are talking about you. Putting added pressure on the hips and shoulders affects your posture much more than the other positions.

How to Choose the Right Pillow
Accompanying the mattress, your pillow also plays a vital role in helping you maintain that all-important sleep posture. Depending on the way you sleep and the position you find the most comfortable, your pillow choice can elevate some of the strain and stress that could be on your joints.
For instance, did you know that according to research from the University of Rochester, your pillow should support both the head and neck, making it comfortable on the natural curve of the spine. If the position of the said pillow is too high or low, this then affects the amount of strain on not only your neck but head and shoulders too.
This goes for your mattress choice too, the firmness could be a factor as well as the differing materials. Always make sure you are not putting the natural curve of the spine out of alignment as much as possible as this is one of the main focuses for better sleeping posture. On top of that, you may be considering a medical condition that would affect your choice. It is always best to try your mattress before you buy it so that it aligns with your personal preferences and comfortability. Your sleep posture is an important aspect of feeling well-rested so it's important to check in every once in a while to see if you need to be making any adjustments.